My favorite holiday/celebration/occasion to celebrate (Essay)

My favorite holiday is… my birthday. Yes I known, I am а Captain obvious. In this essay I try to write why I love my birthday. 

P.1 Describe

A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person. Birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party and etc. For example, my birthday is August 1. But, I hate birthday songs. All such songs are the copy-paste of other songs like them. 

P. 2 The guideline

In my birthday I wake up very early. My parents give me my gifts (Money). Then, my grandma and grandpa give me my gifts (Money). Then, my other relatives and friends, and we celebrate my birthday, with big chocolate cake.

P.3  what dishes you prepare/ order. What is your favorite.

My favorite dish is a big chocolate cake with banana or strawberry. We order this cake in my moms girlfriend bakery. In childhood, we print in cake my favorite heroes images. For example, in my 7rd birthday we print Power Rangers Image on my cake. Also we make pizza with chicken meat and mushrooms wit BBQ sauce. Also I make my brandy salad with fruits.
